Sep 30, 2021
In this video, I share my first experience in a float tank (AKA
a "sensory deprivation tank").
There are tons of benefits from relieving stress to stirring your
inner creativity. I suppose there's just something about floating
in near zero-gravity saline solution in pitch black darkness that
makes some magical stuff...
Sep 27, 2021
In this episode, I share my current and most up-to-date morning
I spend about one hour every single morning (even on weekends)
doing things like meditating, journaling, and reviewing my progress
against my goals.
Get the Miracle Morning on Amazon:
Connect with Chris:
Sep 23, 2021
Eliminate the noise! Here are a few tips to get focused and
quiet the chatter.
Connect with Chris:
Sep 20, 2021
In this episode, Danielle Hayden
shares the importance of growing a sellable business. There are a
few key factors that go into doing this such as developing
processes and really tracking your numbers.
potential buyer will do due diligence and want to see how the
business is operating. For this reason, bookkeeping...
Sep 16, 2021
If we want to continue to grow
and also buy ourselves time back, we need to learn to trust and let
go of doing everything on our own.
order to do this, we have to have trust in our team members. This
doesn’t mean you have to completely let go and never check
anything, however.
Trust but verify. Doing small spot...