Jan 29, 2018
The Millionaire Fastlane is one of my favorite books out there.
It really helped me "cut through the BS" and see things as they
are. MJ DeMarco provides clear cut advice and the steps necessary
to align your mindset with that of millionaires and take the
necessary steps to join the fastlane to success.
Get your copy...
Jan 22, 2018
Tim Ferriss’ book, The Four-Hour Workweek is a must read. The sub-heading is: “Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich.” The book was originally published in 2007, and while a lot of the recommended sites and productivity tips are not always “current” with the times, there are so many golden nuggets...
Jan 15, 2018
Today we’re going to run over a book I really enjoyed called Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki.
Kiyosaki helps break down some financial knowledge into easy to understand stories and concepts. This book focuses on shifting your mindset to think like the rich do. Work smarter, not necessarily harder.
You can...
Jan 8, 2018
Welcome to Season 2 of the Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast. If you were here for last season, you’ll remember we covered a lot of topics from inventing a product to online tools I recommend checking out.
This season will be a little different. I’ll be running through some of the important points I’ve come across...
Jan 1, 2018
Happy New Year! I don't really believe in "New Year Resolutions" and explain why in this episode. It's important to set and achieve goals constantly throughout each year, but setting huge goals for an entire year without breaking them into smaller ones is a recipe for failure.
Feel free to reach out with questions or...