Aug 27, 2018
Today I want to talk about morning routines of successful people. Everybody has some sort of system for the most part when it comes to organizing their desk or planner. But a lot of people do not have a morning routine.
I used to be one of these people. Be honest with yourself, what does your morning routine look like?...
Aug 20, 2018
Today I want to go through the exercise of setting and dissecting huge goals. There are different ways you can go about this, but I want to walk you through my thought process and just get your creative juices flowing.
This exercise will be especially important if you haven’t seriously sat down to think about what you...
Aug 13, 2018
This episode of the Entrepreneur Motivation Podcast features our
first guest interview with David Kelly, General Manager of a
7-figure SaaS startup, KingSumo.
KingSumo is the third branch of Sumo Group ( and AppSumo),
and Sumo Group was created by Noah Kagan, employee #30 at Facebook
and employee #4 at...
Aug 6, 2018
Larry Page co-founded Google with Sergey Brin in September of 1998. Now, in 2018, I wouldn’t be surprised if 9 out of 10 people had Google as their default home page.
Larry currently serves as the CEO of Alphabet, Inc. (Google's parent company) and has a net worth of $53.5 billion. He is 45 years old at the time of...