Dec 31, 2020
2021 is right around the corner. Happy New Year! Are you ready
to launch into the new year with clarity and focus?
In this episode, I dive into goal setting and provide some tips for
making sure they are clear and defined (I am constantly working on
improving this for myself as well).
Dec 28, 2020
Chase Maher is an investor, business owner, and the Host of the Life Worth Chasing podcast. He sold real estate as a real estate agent for a few years and started to find that he was getting burned out.
He has since shifted his business to support his preference for location-independence, allowing him to work from...
Dec 24, 2020
This episode features a conversation with Alan Donegan, Co-Founder of PopUp Business School and host of the Rebel Entrepreneur Podcast.
Specifically, he shares 5 ways to build a business with no debt. He wants others to learn from his own mistakes to avoid spending a ton of time and money upfront before really...
Dec 21, 2020
In this episode, I learn about Timothy Sykes and what he's up to. He trades penny stocks and also teaches about it on his YouTube channel (currently at 412K subscribers).
On top of trading and teaching, he's also a co-founder of karmagawa as well as SaveTheReef.
You'll be able to hear his energy and passion, which I...
Dec 17, 2020
In this episode, Matt Aitchison dives into getting in
relationship with your goals (be in proximity to them).
We also talk about the likeability formula, which consists of 1.
Confidence, 2. Humility, and 3. Value.
Be sure to check it out!
You can check out Matt's podcast, Millionaire Mindcast, here: